Friday, June 1, 2007

"Teacher retires, investigation ends"

A teacher who allegedly took inappropriate action against a student in an Albertville school has retired.

Albertville City Schools officials had been investigating an incident on May 18 at Alabama Avenue Middle School.

Last week, Superintendent Ric Ayer characterized the event as an “extremely, extremely rare incident” and as “one of those spontaneous things that occurred … related to behavior.”

Ayer declined to give the name of the teacher involved but said Wednesday, “
The person who was involved in that investigation is no longer with the school system

He declined to say when that decision was made but said the school board has acted on the teacher’s decision.

Ayer refused to say when the board took the action.

Ayer said he believes the school system’s processes for dealing with such incidents were followed properly.

“I don’t see any need to change our procedures,” he said.

“Everything was handled as it should have been.”

Okay, so.... did this teacher actually retire or did he/she simply change school districts? And why is the administration so tight lipped about the name of the teacher? Do they know he/she has moved on to another school? Me thinks so.

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