Saturday, June 30, 2007

Not enough barring of sicko teachers

A student accused Kenneth T. Anderson, a science teacher, of fathering her baby girl while he was employed in Metro. Authorities cleared him in that case, but the school district ultimately fired him, citing poor classroom performance.
Anderson, now 38, promptly went to work in two other districts despite his questionable record. It wasn't until he was accused of having sex with a 16-year-old student at Smyrna High School that school officials took steps to yank his teaching licenses and bar him from the classroom for good.

Anderson's case and others spotlight weaknesses in how Tennessee monitors its educators. Unlike other states, Tennessee has no independent agency dedicated to regulating teacher licensing and ethics. For the past two years, state lawmakers tried to create one, but the bills failed to gain momentum.
Relying on individual school districts to investigate their teachers makes some advocates uncomfortable because politics can come into play.

By the way folks, this problem doesn't only exist in TN as the article suggests. This is happening everywhere. Just read through all my articles and see how many you find where the teacher was actually barred from teaching. Where do you think these teachers will teach next? Maybe this time it will be your local school.

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