We cannot protect our children from threats we fail to acknowledge.
This blog has been placed on hold as I do not have the time needed to devote to it's upkeep. Please feel free to browse the archives. Keep those kiddos safe!
Welcome all. I believe we can all find this blog to be informative and empowering.
In an attempt to focus discussions on the actual issues, I invite you to feel free to make any conclusions you would like about why I maintain this compilation of articles.
This is what's occurring in our school systems. This issue needs addressed. After all, not everyone can afford private school and not everyone is "cut out" for homeschooling. Some are forced to depend upon the system.
It is to you, public school parents, that I say act now.
Demand that your school makes changes to create a safer environment for your child to learn. A wise first move is to remove pedophile teachers from our classrooms.
Demand that your school abandon teaching practices, which have proven time and time again to be ineffective. A good place to start would be ridding all
schools of "fuzzy" math.
Demand that your school remembers it is not the parent of the child. "In loco parentis" has no place in our school system. If you don't know what this phrase
means you better run a quick google search. You will be amazed how the courts use this one.
Demand that your school educate the children. This should be common sense. However, as anything involved in a large business, it has gotten complicated. If you haven't heard of a "certificate of attendance" you better learn. Diplomas aren't always the goal and sometimes they are simply fulfilling compulsory attendance laws.
Demand your school allow you to opt out of certain lessons. Perhaps you can
check to see what your state's law is concerning sex education in your schools.
You may be amazed to learn what the school is allowed to teach your child.
Homeschool parents
Sit back and enjoy a daily dose of "homeschool fuel".
Also, feel free to browse the "want a good laugh" section. It's amazing how far some will go to defend the system and pretend it isn't happening.
Your child's chances are stastically lower than a public schooled child to encounter these issues. However, it does still happen. I hope you will notice some cases are against private school teachers. It may help to investigate your school's practices as well.
Wise words for all parents....
Never leave your children where you wouldn't leave one million
A San Jose man is in custody today for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a female student who attends a high school where he used to work as a student teacher.
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